State lifting is a technique where the state is shared between multiple child components so they can share and synchronize the same state.

Parent Child Interaction:


When we nest a component as child to a parent component, then the communication happens between the Parent and Child:

1. Props

Parent can communicate to the Child Component by passing props to the child.

<Child greet={"hello"} />

props.greet // => gives "hello"

2. Functions

Children can communicate to the Parent using functions passed by the Parent as props.

let [counter, setCounter] = useState(0)
<Child count={{counter, setCounter}} />

props.count.Counter // => gives counter value
props.count.seCounter(0) //=> gives the setCounter()

But When we want to pass the stateVariable and stateFunction from the Child to Parent:

function getDataFromChild(data){
    // code to handle the DATA from CHILD
<Child passToParent={getDataFromChild} />

// Child.jsx
<button className="btn btn-success p-3" onClick={()=>{
}} >Send Data to Parent</button>