Create Backend

REST API using Express.js

For detailed description:

  1. Create packge.json

    npm init
  2. Create Entry Point file server.js

  3. Create HTTP Server in server.js → Use express

    npm install express
  4. Create requests.http and write the server requests there and click on send request

    get <http://localhost:4000/users>
  5. Add API Routing

    Syntax: app.METHOD ( path , request handler )

    app.get('/users', (req, res) => {
        res.send({message: 'All Users'});
  6. Parametrized Request

    1. This route handles GET requests to /users/:id, where :id is a dynamic parameter representing the user ID.
    2. If the user is found, it sends a JSON response with the user data; if not, it sends a 'User not found' message.
    3. Making Request → get http://localhost:4000/users/1
    // Send 1 user by id
    app.get('/users/:id', (req, res) => {
        const userId = Number(;
        //  Search user by id in usersList array 
        let userById = usersList.find(user=>;
        if(userById === undefined){
            res.send({message: 'User not found'});
            res.send({message: 'User by Id', payload: userById});

Making HTTP requests

For initial learning stages , we use a pseudo Client side application called REST Client.

Postman can also be used for testing the REST API.

REST Client


VS Marketplace Link:


  1. Create a file names requests.http in folder of server.