
  1. UI


  2. Leetcode: fetching from Official GraphQL API

    → Endpoint: leetcode.com/graphql

  3. Codeforces: fetching from Official API

    → Endpoint : https://codeforces.com/api/user.rating?handle=${username}

  4. Codechef: using puppeteer and jsdom to web scrape the contes details.


→ Rate limiting needs to be handled for Codeforces

→ Resource Intensive for Codechef

Further Advancements

  1. Scaling for Large set of students

  2. Authorization for requests

  3. Sorting and Filtering

  4. .xls download feature

  5. Graphs and Datagrams : airbnb.com/visx



Found these:

  1. Error handling when pushing data to the DB **
  2. useEffect ⇒ not clg-ing. **
  3. DB alerts ⇒ need clarity on the amount of request that can be made. **